Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Come Join Jane Herron as she shares The Art and Science of NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the science that studies the language of the mind, the use of body language, and the strategies humans use to connect.

The magic ingredient of all negotiations and connections is RAPPORT.

NLP defines rapport as an ‘Instant connection’ with another person, usually taking place at the subconscious level.

How often have you heard: “I feel as if I’ve known you for years”?

This . . . is “instant rapport”.

Rapport building is based on understanding how to read others using all five senses, however most of us are not aware that it is in the ‘sixth sense’ where humans decide instantly if they will or won’t BUY from YOU?

OK, we were born with the standard equipment to be good listeners and observers, and so, we assume we will be successful when trying to sell our ideas, and our product to others.

We only have to look at the number of broken contracts and destroyed relationships to remind us that ‘having the standard equipment’ is not enough for long term personal and professional success.

Those who believe that we communicate primarily through ‘words only’ are missing so many selling opportunities! Studies demonstrate that your words have less influence on others than your body language and your vocal tonality

If you want to connect with others, it behooves us to be consciously aware of how we use our psycho-geography, our physiology, tonality as well as how we script our words.

TOP PRODUCERS and POWERFUL COMMUNICATORS know that Customer Service is a game of AGREEMENTS.

Winning friends and influencing others comes down to understanding the magic ingredient of persuasion: Rapport!

Rapport (that Instant Connection) creates TRUST, and TRUST is foundational to creating long term satisfied customers.

Join US for a fast-paced, educational workshop titled The Magic Ingredient: RAPPORT

A NLP workshop in SLC!!! Here is what you will experience at Jane's NLP workshop:

  • Introduction to Neuro-Linguistics Programming
  • Law of Resistance vs the Law of Resonance
  • Patterns of Persuasion: Prospect vs Suspect
  • The Power of Rapport
  • Bridging and Influencing Skills
  • Pacing and Leading
  • Learn the best “psycho-geography” for yourself and for those you are trying to persuade

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