#1-Decide what you really want in your life, and focus on only that.
Affirm: I have the POWER within me to realize the blueprints of MY own desires...and then say outloud specifically what you are creating, what you are wanting, what would make you so happy. Speak the words outloud.
AND then REALIZE with your Real Eyes. It only taked 17-seconds of CONCENTRATION of a single thought to create FORM--however--17 seconds is a really LOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time for some of us--right??
Soooo, when the MENTAL DELIQUIENTS show up and try to RAIN (in my case SNOW) on your parade, sing or whistle Zippety Do Da outloud to get the NEGATIVE NEWS out of your head. This is my favorite distraction away from any and all negativity and it is catchy--others will start humming, singing or whistling it too...then you get to LOL.
Why should you become part of that GROUP "news mindset" of total doom and gloom when you are wanting to create something magnificent . . . despite what the NEWS is trying to convince you to believe? Own your THOUGHTS--don't be brainwashed, but do sing, whistle or hum Zippety Do Da today.
AFFIRM once again with alot with even more enthusiasm:
I have the POWER within me to realize the blueprints of MY own desires...then, add your creating, your wantings.
#2-Make a definite decision to accept the fulfillment of your desires. From the time you were two, you have heard NO, who do you think you are, I told you NO in so many forms, everyday on the radio, on TV and now on the Internet.
So why not find the part of you that could give you a DEFINITE YES to your blueprints of desires?
Now if you found a definite yes WITHIN you, and you no longer needed any external validations that it was OK for you to say YES to yourself, then that would mean that you would be saying NO to all of the negativity being thrust upon you in every direction.
So you might be singing or whistling Zippety Do Da a few times today--everytime a negative thought comes in to try to take away from your blueprint of desire. You only have to hold your blueprint in your mind for 17 seconds, and if you can't do that . . . then it is back to Zippety Do Da for YOU!!
Affirm: There is a Presence and a Power within me now! It is all knowing, all caring, all loving, all powerful. It is WHO I am it is WHAT I am, and it is GOoD!
#3-Your mind and heart must be consistent in thought and feeling to create in your outer world your inner world desires.
You can't think one thing and then feel doubtful. Consistency creates credibility both within yourself and then what you project out to others.
Affirm: My heart's desire is now guiding my mind the direction I will go. I feel the power, the strength, and the dynamic urge as I accept this guidance to the right actions to take today.
- Trust the wisdom and ingenuity of the presence of this Power.
- Do not outline the way your desires will be fulfilled. Don't set yourself up for failure, disappointment or resistance. That is why it says Listen + Obey--you are co-creating--you are not a creator--so you much get into relationship with this Presence and Power that is all knowing, all caring, all powerful.
Do not be concerned with HOW your GOoD will come to you
Affirm: I trust that the right people and resources are looking for me as I am looking for them. I know my plan (that which I desire most) is at work in every moment.
And start putting those 17-seconds of concentration to work for you. When you get pulled out of your 17 seconds of concentration hum, sing or whistle Zippety Do Da to avoid letting even a second of negativity wash over you.
We can change the perceptions being cast upon us with our willingness to see things differently than pushed onto us via the Media...but you have to do you part to break the shackles that are holding so many people back.
Please comment below to let me know how ofter you had to hum, sing or whistle Zippety Do Da today!!
IF you are not familiar with this word, it means the LIGHT within ME recognizes the LIGHT within YOU.
And so it is!
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I will be back with the second half of this post, and I will be starting my FREE Law of Attraction Blog-Coaching in January on 1-11-11.
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