order: POP! Stand Out in any Crowd Use the acronym POP
Purposeful-be on purpose--stillness will not sell you
WHO do you want to read your book?
WHO do you want to give you a consulting contract?
WHO do you want to hire you?
WHAT will capture their interest?
Original--where are you 1 of a kind
Where have you accomplished something ... Whereever that is, that is your POD ... point of distinction ... what makes you stand out from the crowd
IE 7-up is the UN-cola-----you want to be the UN----you want to be different.
Do the opposite not the obvious: IE Enterprise Car rental.... they have pick up/ drop off service-- they are located in neighborhoods, not at the airport and now they are # 1.
IF you want to corner a niche, then create a niche.......create a word that defines you, IE: Economics now combine it with another word..........like Speakanomics.
Pitch--what is your 30 second commercial and you were talking to a top publisher, would you get his attention? or would he be bored?
ALWAYS do the eyebrow test:
Watch his eyebrows, if they knit or furrow...HE is confused. IF HE does not get it, you won't get it, you will not get TIME with this publisher. Who cares about what you have to say?
However, IF the eyebrows go up, your project will go in door, HE is interested.
A title that describes your project is mostly boring....so do not be common. IE: 4 ways to declutter.
- Walk in your target buyer's shoes.
- What is keeping them up at night, worrying them, concerning then.
- What are some conversational catch phrases they may use.
- IE: Susan is a consultant, she heard herself say daily: I am sorry to hear that....AND NOW I Am Sorry To Hear That is the name of her book.
- Put your target audience in the title thru conversational catch phrases because YOU would be saying these words yourself.
- You have 30 seconds to TELL + SELL---how can you POP out--move from GENERIC to SPECIFIC by showing what you are trying to sell.
- IE: Gladys was the employee/customer from hell. McGraw Hill's top selling customer service book is: Who is your Gladys?
- Use a Question as the title, why? because it engages the customer's brain
- What do you hear from your customers over and over?
- IE: I don't know what I want, but I know it is not this. That was Julie's book title.
- 4 ways to job success is boring--it blends in, but "I don't know what I want...but I know it is not this" POPs out on the spine of a book.
- COIN a WORD---you can BRAND it, get paid more for it, IE: Sam coined TongueFu and then she has spin off words: YOUNGFU, etc.
- What are the benefits of your book, what are the attributes of what you DO
- Shopopportunities come with a COIN WORD, Shopopportunities create opportunities for you to sell yourself in many ways.
- Use the Half + half technique--divide your page vertically
- Describe Aspects of your work business words on LEFT and home works on RIGHT
- MOMAGER is a combination of a business word and a home word...now this is YOUR word...money making title that you can make a living from, the topic expert, the person a publisher calls, the person who is called to deliver a keynote. Business want to know how to make Moms who are managers more successful and they will hire the author of Momager's
- IE Diabetics + Obesity = Diobesity is a word that this author is now making a 6-figure income from
5 vertical columns on a piece of paper: - Topic--Adversity--Achievement--Avocation--Attitude
TOPIC-describe it GO from GENERIC to GENIUS one of many to one of a kind...now 4-A's - Kim wanted to do a book on meetings because she runs great meetings....not such an interesting topic that is so GENERIC. If you what you do is bring the magic back to meeting, when was there a time in your life that everyone wanted to attend and wanted to come back? When did you experience a standard of excellence that stood out? Kim remembered a time when her neighbor came over to come out and to catch fire flies, they then went to all neighbors--a great....meeting.
- The fire fly effect is the title of Kimberly's book.
- Adversity--where did you have a difficult time where you had to persevere? Put the people into the room. What is your 1-of a kind experience. IE: Ken shot himself in the head. His book title, main speaking topic is now: Give it your best shot.
- Achievement--What is your best things you have done? that you are proud of? IE: Alisa finished a marathon: book title: Run for your life.
- Avocation: Sally was a speaker for Merrill Lynch, she wanted to speak about MONEY, she was also a golfer: Title: GO for the green, 18 Chapters, reads like a golf game + is about money
Attitude: what are you convinced of? What are your centenarian beliefs? What flies in the face of current wisdom? Ralph was a white water rafter, from that, instead of talking about leadership or teamwork: - Title: Be a short cut to success?