Thursday, September 17, 2009

Notes from my teleseminar with Sam Horn: POP Stand Out in any Crowd

How can we break out........not blend in....go to Sam's web page:
order: POP! Stand Out in any Crowd Use the acronym POP

Purposeful-be on purpose--stillness will not sell you
WHO do you want to read your book?

WHO do you want to give you a consulting contract?
WHO do you want to hire you?
WHAT will capture their interest?

Original--where are you 1 of a kind
Where have you accomplished something ... Whereever that is, that is your POD ... point of distinction ... what makes you stand out from the crowd
IE 7-up is the UN-cola-----you want to be the UN----you want to be different.

Do the opposite not the obvious: IE Enterprise Car rental.... they have pick up/ drop off service-- they are located in neighborhoods, not at the airport and now they are # 1.

IF you want to corner a niche, then create a niche.......create a word that defines you, IE: Economics now combine it with another Speakanomics.

Pitch--what is your 30 second commercial and you were talking to a top publisher, would you get his attention? or would he be bored?

ALWAYS do the eyebrow test:

Watch his eyebrows, if they knit or furrow...HE is confused. IF HE does not get it, you won't get it, you will not get TIME with this publisher. Who cares about what you have to say?

However, IF the eyebrows go up, your project will go in door, HE is interested.

A title that describes your project is mostly do not be common. IE: 4 ways to declutter.

  • Walk in your target buyer's shoes.
  • What is keeping them up at night, worrying them, concerning then.
  • What are some conversational catch phrases they may use.
  • IE: Susan is a consultant, she heard herself say daily: I am sorry to hear that....AND NOW I Am Sorry To Hear That is the name of her book.
  • Put your target audience in the title thru conversational catch phrases because YOU would be saying these words yourself.
  • You have 30 seconds to TELL + SELL---how can you POP out--move from GENERIC to SPECIFIC by showing what you are trying to sell.
  • IE: Gladys was the employee/customer from hell. McGraw Hill's top selling customer service book is: Who is your Gladys?
  • Use a Question as the title, why? because it engages the customer's brain
  • What do you hear from your customers over and over?
  • IE: I don't know what I want, but I know it is not this. That was Julie's book title.
  • 4 ways to job success is boring--it blends in, but "I don't know what I want...but I know it is not this" POPs out on the spine of a book.
  • COIN a WORD---you can BRAND it, get paid more for it, IE: Sam coined TongueFu and then she has spin off words: YOUNGFU, etc.
  • What are the benefits of your book, what are the attributes of what you DO
  • Shopopportunities come with a COIN WORD, Shopopportunities create opportunities for you to sell yourself in many ways.
  • Use the Half + half technique--divide your page vertically
  • Describe Aspects of your work business words on LEFT and home works on RIGHT
  • MOMAGER is a combination of a business word and a home this is YOUR making title that you can make a living from, the topic expert, the person a publisher calls, the person who is called to deliver a keynote. Business want to know how to make Moms who are managers more successful and they will hire the author of Momager's
  • IE Diabetics + Obesity = Diobesity is a word that this author is now making a 6-figure income from
    5 vertical columns on a piece of paper:
  • Topic--Adversity--Achievement--Avocation--Attitude
    TOPIC-describe it GO from GENERIC to GENIUS one of many to one of a 4-A's
  • Kim wanted to do a book on meetings because she runs great meetings....not such an interesting topic that is so GENERIC. If you what you do is bring the magic back to meeting, when was there a time in your life that everyone wanted to attend and wanted to come back? When did you experience a standard of excellence that stood out? Kim remembered a time when her neighbor came over to come out and to catch fire flies, they then went to all neighbors--a great....meeting.
  • The fire fly effect is the title of Kimberly's book.
  • Adversity--where did you have a difficult time where you had to persevere? Put the people into the room. What is your 1-of a kind experience. IE: Ken shot himself in the head. His book title, main speaking topic is now: Give it your best shot.
  • Achievement--What is your best things you have done? that you are proud of? IE: Alisa finished a marathon: book title: Run for your life.
  • Avocation: Sally was a speaker for Merrill Lynch, she wanted to speak about MONEY, she was also a golfer: Title: GO for the green, 18 Chapters, reads like a golf game + is about money
    Attitude: what are you convinced of? What are your centenarian beliefs? What flies in the face of current wisdom? Ralph was a white water rafter, from that, instead of talking about leadership or teamwork:
  • Title: Be a short cut to success?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Another great lesson from the Great Blue Heron: Balance

Another great lesson from the Great Blue Heron
The relationship BALANCE required between SELF + OTHER
It is not uncommon to see a Great Blue Heron standing with one leg drawn up in a resting position, and balancing like a seasoned acrobat on the other leg. Herons are often spied 'dozing off' while standing on one foot ... demonstrating their internal sense of balance, willingness to meditate anywhere, and their ability to tune out the disturbing noise found in the distractions of LIFE.

One of the dominant physical characteristics of the Great Blue Heron are its long, spindly legs. Like all members of the Stork family, Blue Heron utilizes these elongated limbs to wade through the marshes and swamplands that constitute their natural environment, in search of the food that swims in the water or crawls along the spongy banks.

You will always find Herons near wetlands because they know how to GO TO their source for the ABUNDANCE that they seek.

Seldom, you will see them standing, dozing off where they cannot maximize their abundance....a good lesson to learn for all of us.

For those who share this Earthwalk with the Great Blue Heron in their Totem, you will have many experiences to learn to operate independently ... AND... to trust and rely heavily on the yourSELF.

This can be a dual-edged sword because as much as the Heron must find the proper equilibrium to balance on one leg, the two-legged beside whom Heron flies must also learn that delicate balance and counter-balance between independence and cooperative loving and living with Others.

Often times there are likely two distinctive scenarios which contribute to the development of the Blue Heron individual.

The first such set of circumstances is where the human counterpart enters along the Sacred Hoop of Life as a very peaceful and sensitive person that seeks out the company of Others, yet is often rejected by the very souls he/she loves and trusts the most. This may establish a fear of rejection, and often effects their later interactions in adult relationships, as there is often the inherent fear or expectation that as soon as a bond of love or trust is formed, they will be rejected or betrayed.

Until the Blue Heron individual can heal from these painful episodes, examine the lessons that they have been present to teach, and integrate the experience to find a better center of balance, they will often either shut themselves off emotionally to avoid future hurts, or they may become lost in a repetitive pattern of choosing partners that will ultimately fulfill their expectations of abandonment.

SELF-COMPLETION is the KEY to this first lesson.

The second grouping of Blue Heron individuals are often highly independent(seemingly from the moment of birth), and they tend to prefer the solitude and comfort of their own company over interacting with family members and friends.

There is the sense about these souls that they are capable of handling any task so long as they are left alone to their own devices to accomplish it.

The difficulty surfaces when they ignore the interactions with their fellow human that is a vital and integral part of our life in flesh.

Until these individuals are fully able to embrace the understanding that we are all here to interconnect with our fellow two-leggeds and the animals of the Mother Earth, there will be an underlying restlessness and general dissatisfaction with life.

For these folks, their challenge becomes learning to find the HARMONY between time spent alone and time spent with their fellow Earth inhabitants.

In both instances, the primary focus is upon gaining enough SELF-confidence (SELF-completion) that they are well capable of relying upon their own highly developed sense of timing and action, and tempering IT with embracing loving relationships that operate within healthy parameters. This involves the requisite sharing and co-nurturing with the respect of each individual's sense of freedom and independence.

AND when this fine balance is struck, the end result is a beauty to behold which often leads these souls down the pathway as impartial judges, counselors and artists who convey through their choice of medium a world in which all live in true Harmony.

Another great lesson from the Great Blue Heron; uniqueness

Another great lesson from the Great Blue Heron


As a member of the Stork family, these large birds are distinctive in appearance in part due to their blue feathers which can range in color from a dusky slate-grey to a deep blue.

Their long legs, which serve them well as they wade through the shallows of swamps and wetlands, and elongated neck are also distinguishing characteristics of these splendid birds.
When wading through water in search of prey or standing and observing their surroundings, these birds are the picture of grace and stateliness, yet when in flight their appearance is a bit gangly.

Herons fly with their heads supported between their shoulders, rather than stretched out before them as is typical of their White Crane cousins.

Their blue feathers are also a feature that distinguishes them from other members of the Crane family. These separating characteristics suggest that those beside whom Great Blue Heron flies will also be individualists who will utilize their own differences to elicit change in the world around them.

For the two-legged with Blue Heron as their Totem, there will be a desire to establish themselves as a unique and independent Being, often making these souls the revolutionaries that disrupt the status quo of society in order to elicit change and evolution.

Although this is a trait with many challenges, when operating from its Highest Vibration, the Blue Heron souls teach the rest of us the value and importance of each individual contribution to the Whole.

When young, the Blue Heron individual will be quite unusual in either appearance or mannerisms in ways that they may often find themselves ostracized by peer members.

In extreme circumstances, even their own family members will tend to distance themselves, forcing the Blue Heron individual to establish separate and independent lives at an early age.
The teen-age years which are often met with a sense of awkwardness for any human maturing and evolving, are particularly painful for the one beside whom Blue Heron flies, as their appearance and/or behavior will tend to set them apart at a time in their growth when they seek the most to integrate and blend-in.

Often, there will be long limbs, above average height and a uncoordinated gait that may be the object of ridicule during the angst of their emerging from childhood toward adulthood.
With sufficient maturation (and as these individuals grow into their height and distinguishing characteristics), these very souls that were once considered "odd looking" suddenly blossom into stunning adults that may quickly find themselves thrust into the attention and admiration of many suitors.

More than a few fashion models and actors/actresses have Blue Heron predominately placed amongst their Primary Totems, as the very characteristics that once set them painfully apart, becomes an attracting force of beauty and grace that pulls others toward them.

Even in those instances when there is not great "physical beauty," there will be a special spark to these individuals that will later draw positive attention with a great deal of magnetic force.

On a spiritual level, there will also be a phase of awkwardness and groping for identity.

Many revolutionary ideas are first conceptualized by the Blue Heron individual, as they will not be content with watching society operate in the same mode it has done for generations.

As a child this independent thought will be a great consternation to parents and guardians, yet as the body, mind and soul of Blue Heron grows and develops, this same ability to think independently may serve them in professions such as exploration and research, politics and scientific discovery and invention as these souls once more learn to transform what was once viewed as a liability into an asset.

Another great lesson from the Great Blue Heron

Another great lesson from the Great Blue Heron

As with all of the Creature Beings of the Earth Mother, the coloring of the Great Blue Heron’s feathers is significant, as each color carries with it special attributes unique to that Creature.

Blue in nature is connection to Father Sky and also represents Peace and Tranquility.

In Esoteric thought, deep blue is also the color of the sixth chakra which corresponds to the third eye. Hence, insight and psychic vision are also emphasized here.

Although the Great Blue Heron is by nature a predominantly solitary bird, during mating season, Herons will gather in clusters to nest and raise young in what are called colonies. It is remarkable to witness the peace and harmony that abounds in these colonies, and is a testimony to the ability of a highly independent creature to adapt to communal life.

Just as the Blue Heron must find within herself the ability to live in cooperative peace with other members of the colony, so does the two-legged beside whom Heron fly enter the Earthwalk with the theme of Peace.

This may either be a natural state of Being for one with this bird as a Primary Totem, or in the instance where Great Blue Heron has surfaced as either a Messenger or Lesson Totem, the Lesson then becomes about finding Inner Peace and Tranquility.

If Great Blue Heron is one of the Primary Totems, then, throughout life much interest will be focused in establishing and maintaining Peace.

Initially however, this quest for harmony may manifest as the Blue Heron Soul attempting to direct Others to such a state, preliminarily failing to recognize that Peace must first come from Within.

Consider the following quote by the renowned Sioux Holy Man, Black Elk:

"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of the people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the Universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."

When Blue Heron soul finds that Peace within the Self, then the lesson gained in the journey will be shared as a means of guiding Others to finding that same Peace within. We call this Conditions of Deliverance!

It is also true that when in peaceful attunement and harmony with Self, the two-legged beside whom Blue Heron flies will also emit a powerful and profound tranquil vibration that will effect all around them...thusly, inspiring burgeoning souls to come into balance and harmony with One and All....priceless Gift to give indeed!

Another great lesson from the Great Blue Heron: Self Awareness

Another great lesson from the great Blue Heron: Self Awareness

"Heron medicine is the power of knowing the SELF by discovering its gifts and facing its challenges. It is the ability to accept all feelings and opinions without denying emotion or thought... If the great Blue Heron has flown into your cards today, it is urging you to dive into the watery world of feelings to seek your truth..."

"Heron medicine people are willing to look at themselves and see the truth of their motives, actions, feelings, dreams, goals, inner strengths, and inner weaknesses.

In balancing those truths, Heron's medicine shows you how to meet the challenges of your personal weaknesses and how to continue developing the skills that lead to inner strength and certainty of purpose.

Are you willing to dive into the watery depths of your own feelings and discover the role of your spiritual essence? Heron is now calling you to delve deeper, to know yourself, and to trust your path.

. . . . cards available from
Like the Phoenix, who rises from its own ashes, Heron emerges from the unseen worlds of spirit into a new balanced sense-of-self in order to embrace its potential again and again.

The magnificence of your human spirit lies waiting for the joy of discovery, if you are courageous enough to follow the Waterbird throughout the journey because the heron is a long legged wading bird.

There are about 60 species of heron including several species called egrets. Most egrets have white plumage that is highly prized as ornaments in oriental ceremonies.

Herons are often seen standing motionless, as if in a meditative state, on its long thin legs. This stance symbolizes its ability to maintain balance through proper focus even in moving waters. Its inner foundation is secure although not fixed.

When the heron feeds it stands in water. Its neck is bent in an S shape. The flowing pattern of the letter S reflects the rhythm of this bird.

Understanding your personal rhythm and responding to it accordingly is imperative for those with this medicine.

Water is associated with the mysteries of life. It is connected to the emotional body of man. When you see a heron standing in water notice how deep the water is. This depth can symbolize the depth that needs to be explored within self.

The deeper you go the more you discover. Whatever is discovered take the time necessary to stand in silent reflection. In this way clarity of understanding is known.

Those with this medicine have strong emotional natures. They feel things deeply and with passion.

The challenge here is to keep passionate thoughts and feelings under control in order to maintain a balanced emotional nature.

The advantage of this energy indicates the passion and ambition needed to complete tasks and accomplish goals. Herons are seldom seen flocking together.

They are solitary birds that enjoy their own company. Heron medicine people are independent and willing to make changes when the need arises. They do not need a lot of people in their lives. This can sometimes lead to challenges in personal relationships especially if the other person has needs that require constant attention. Maintaining some type of social interaction and not withdrawing from others completely is helpful.

Herons stand out in their uniqueness and know how to take advantage of things and events for their own benefit. By observing the heron, its actions and its lack of action we learn how to perfect our personal flight through life.

Herons hold a silent power, their grace, agility and majestic presence reflect balance. This balance is the gift they offer to all who choose to receive it

Lesson: Balance between relating and standing alone
Element: Air/Water
Wind: East ~Peace and Illumination~
Medicine: Uniqueness

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Who's UNIVERSE is this?

Never mind what-is.

Connie (my mentor) used to command me after an aint it aweful whining session by saying:

Who's Universe is this?

Abraham Hicks says:

Imagine 'it' the way you want it to BE so that your vibration is a match to your desire.

When your vibration is a match to your desire, then...

all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Jane Herron believes that Napoleon Hill was right: You need a definte purpose with a definite PLAN to create success

p. 368 Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

You have ABSOLUTE CONTROL over but one thing, and that is your THOUGHTS.

This is the most significant and inspiring of all facts known to man! It reflects man's Divine nature. This Divine prerogative is the sole means by which you may control your own destiny.

  • If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else.
  • If you must be careless with your possessions, let it be in connection with material things.
  • Your mind is your spiritual estate!
  • Protect and use it with the care to which Divine Royalty is entitled.
  • You were given a WILL-POWER for this purpose.

Unfortunately, there is no legal protection against those who, either by design or ignorance, poison the minds of others by negative suggestion. This form of destruction should be punishable by heavy legal penalties, because it may and often does destroy one's chances of acquiring material things which are protected by law.

Men with negative minds tried to convince Thomas A. Edison that he could not build a machine that would record and reproduce the human voice, "because" they said, "no one else had ever produced such a machine."

Edison did not believe them. He knew that the mind could produce ANYTHING THE MIND COULD CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE, and that knowledge was the thing that lifted the great Edison above the common herd.

Men with negative minds told F. W. Woolworth, he would go "broke" trying to run a store on five and ten cent sales. He did not believe them. He knew that he could do anything, within reason, if he backed his plans with faith. Exercising his right to keep other men's negative suggestions out of his mind, he piled up a fortune of more than a hundred million dollars. p. 369

Men with negative minds told George Washington he could not hope to win against the vastly superior forces of the British, but he exercised his Divine right to BELIEVE, therefore this book was published under the protection of the Stars and Stripes, while the name of Lord Cornwallis has been all but forgotten.

Doubting Thomases scoffed scornfully when Henry Ford tried out his first crudely built automobile on the streets of Detroit. Some said the thing never would become practical.

Others said no one would pay money for such a contraption. FORD SAID, "I'LL BELT THE EARTH WITH DEPENDABLE MOTOR CARS," AND HE DID!

His decision to trust his own judgment has already piled up a fortune far greater than the next five generations of his descendents can squander. For the benefit of those seeking vast riches, let it be remembered that practically the sole difference between Henry Ford and a majority of the more than one hundred thousand men who work for him, is this--FORD HAS A MIND AND CONTROLS IT, THE OTHERS HAVE MINDS WHICH THEY DO NOT TRY TO CONTROL.

Henry Ford has been repeatedly mentioned, because he is an astounding example of what a man with a mind of his own, and a will to control it, and a demonstrastion of what he can accomplish. His record knocks the foundation from under that time-worn alibi, "I never had a chance."


Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit.

  • You either control your mind or it controls you.
  • There is no half-way compromise.
  • The most practical of all methods for controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose, backed by a definite plan.
  • Study the record of any man who achieves noteworthy success, and you will observe that he has control over his own mind, moreover, that he exercises that control and directs it toward the attainment of definite objectives.
  • Without this control, success is not possible.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How does the Fear of Criticism STOP YOU

p. 343 Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Men and women have been burned at the stake for daring to express disbelief in the dominate thought. It is no wonder we have inherited a consciousness which makes us fear criticism.

The time was, and not so far in the past, when criticism carried severe punishments--it still does in some countries.

The fear of criticism:

  • robs man of his initiative,

  • destroys his power of imagination,

  • limits his individuality,

  • takes away his self-reliance, and

  • does him damage in a hundred other ways.

Parents often do their children irreparable injury by criticising them. The mother of one of my boyhood chums used to punish him with a switch almost daily, always completing the job with the statement, "You'll land in the penitentiary before you are twenty."

He was sent to a Reformatory at the age of seventeen.

Criticism is the one form of service, of which everyone has too much. Everyone has a stock of it which is handed out, gratis, whether called for or not. One's nearest relatives often are the worst offenders. It should be recognized as a crime (in reality it is a crime of the worst nature), for any parent to build inferiority complexes in the mind of a child, through unnecessary criticism.

Employers who understand human nature, get the best there is in men, not by criticism, but by constructive suggestion. Parents may accomplish the same results with their children. Criticism will plant FEAR or resentment in the human heart, but it will not build love or affection.


This fear is almost as universal as the fear of poverty, and its effects are just as fatal to personal achievement, mainly because this fear destroys initiative, and discourages the use of imagination.

The major symptoms of the fear of criticism are:

Generally expressed through nervousness, timidity in conversation and in meeting strangers, awkward movement of the hands and limbs, shifting of the eyes.

Expressed through lack of voice control, nervousness in the presence of others, poor posture of body, poor memory.

Lacking in firmness of decision, personal charm, and ability to express opinions definitely. The habit of side-stepping issues instead of meeting them squarely. Agreeing with others without careful examination of their opinions.

The habit of expressing self-approval by word of mouth and by actions, as a means of covering up a feeling of inferiority. Using "big words" to impress others, (often without knowing the real meaning of the words). Imitating others in dress, speech and manners. Boasting of imaginary achievements. This sometimes gives a surface appearance of a feeling of superiority.

The habit of trying to "keep up with the Joneses," spending beyond one's income.

Failure to embrace opportunities for self-advancement, fear to express opinions, lack of confidence in one's own ideas, giving evasive answers to questions asked by superiors, hesitancy of manner and speech, deceit in both words and deeds.

Mental and physical laziness, lack of self-assertion, slowness in reaching decisions, easily influenced by others, the habit of criticising others behind their backs and flattering them to their faces, the habit of accepting defeat without protest, quitting an undertaking when opposed by others, suspicious of other people without cause, lacking in tactfulness of manner and speech, unwillingness to accept the blame for mistakes.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jane Herron looks at how to overcome your FEARS of financial loss by quoting Napoleon Hills Think N Grow Rich

THE FEAR OF POVERTY from Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

p. 331 There can be no compromise between POVERTY and RICHES!

The two roads that lead to poverty and riches travel in opposite directions.
  • If you want riches, you must refuse to accept any circumstance that leads toward poverty. (The word "riches" is here used in its broadest sense, meaning financial, spiritual, mental and material estates).
  • The starting point of the path that leads to riches is DESIRE. In chapter one, you received full instructions for the proper use of DESIRE. In this chapter, on FEAR, you have complete instructions for preparing your mind to make practical use of DESIRE.

Here, then, is the place to give yourself a challenge which will definitely determine how much of this philosophy you have absorbed. Here is the point at which you can turn prophet and foretell, accurately, what the future holds in store for you. If, after reading this chapter, you are willing to accept poverty, you may as well make up your mind to receive poverty. This is one decision you cannot avoid.

If you demand riches:

  1. determine what form, and
  2. how much will be required to satisfy you.
  3. You know the road that leads to riches.
  4. You have been given a road map which, if followed, will keep you on that road.
  5. If you neglect to start your journey, or you stop before you arrive, no one will be to blame, but YOU. This responsibility is yours.


No alibi will save you from accepting the responsibility if you now fail or refuse to demand riches of Life, because the acceptance calls for but one thing--incidentally, the only thing you can control--and that is a STATE OF MIND.

p. 332

A state of mind is something that one assumes. It cannot be purchased, it must be created.

Fear of poverty is a state of mind, nothing else! People create this state of mind, and it is sufficient to destroy one's chances of achievement in any undertaking . . . a truth which became painfully evident during the depression.

This fear of poverty:

  • paralyzes the faculty of reason,
  • destroys the faculty of imagination,
  • kills off self-reliance,
  • undermines enthusiasm,
  • discourages initiative,
  • leads to uncertainty of purpose,
  • encourages procrastination,
  • wipes out enthusiasm and
  • makes self-control an impossibility.

The Fear of Poverty:

  • takes the charm from one's personality,
  • destroys the possibility of accurate thinking,
  • diverts concentration of effort,
  • it masters persistence,
  • turns your will-power into nothingness,
  • destroys ambition,
  • beclouds your memory,
  • invites failure in every conceivable form;
  • it kills love and assassinates the finer emotions of the heart,
  • discourages friendship and invites disaster in a hundred forms,
  • leads to sleeplessness, misery and unhappiness

All this despite the obvious truth that we live in a world of over-abundance of everything the heart could desire, with nothing standing between us and our desires, excepting lack of a definite purpose.

The Fear of Poverty is, without doubt, the most destructive of the six basic fears.

p. 333 It has been placed at the head of the list, because it is the most difficult to master. Considerable courage is required to state the truth about the origin of this fear, and still greater courage to accept the truth after it has been stated. The fear of poverty grew out of man's inherited tendency to PREY UPON HIS FELLOW-MAN ECONOMICALLY. (Think of AIG today)

Nearly all animals lower than man are motivated by instinct, but their capacity to "think" is limited, therefore, they prey upon one another physically. Man, with his superior sense of intuition, with the capacity to think and to reason, does not eat his fellowman bodily, he gets more satisfaction out of "eating" him FINANCIALLY. Man is so avaricious that every conceivable law has been passed to safeguard him from his fellowman.

Of all the ages of the world, of which we know anything, the age in which we live seems to be one that is outstanding because of man's money-madness. A man is considered less than the dust of the earth, unless he can display a fat bank account; but if he has money--NEVER MIND HOW HE ACQUIRED IT--he is a "king" or a "big shot"; he is above the law, he rules in politics, he dominates in business, and the whole world about him bows in respect when he passes. (Bernie Maddoff)

Nothing brings man so much suffering and humility as POVERTY! Only those who have experienced poverty understand the full meaning of this.

It is no wonder that man fears poverty. Through a long line of inherited experiences man has learned, for sure, that some men cannot be trusted, where matters of money and earthly possessions are concerned. This is a rather stinging indictment, the worst part of it being that it is TRUE.

p. 334

The majority of marriages are motivated by the wealth possessed by one, or both of the contracting parties. It is no wonder, therefore, that the divorce courts are busy.

So eager is man to possess wealth that he will acquire it in whatever manner he can--through legal methods if possible--through other methods if necessary or expedient.

Self-analysis may disclose weaknesses which one does not like to acknowledge. This form of examination is essential to all who demand of Life more than mediocrity and poverty. Remember, as you check yourself point by point, that you are both the court and the jury, the prosecuting attorney and the attorney for the defense, and that you are the plaintiff and the defendant, also, that you are on trial.

  • Face the facts squarely.
  • Ask yourself definite questions and demand direct replies.
  • When the examination is over, you will know more about yourself.
  • If you do not feel that you can be an impartial judge in this self-examination, call upon someone who knows you well to serve as judge while you cross-examine yourself.
  • You are after the truth. Get it, no matter at what cost even, though it may temporarily embarrass you!

The majority of people, if asked what they fear most, would reply, "I fear nothing." The reply would be inaccurate, because few people realize that they are bound, handicapped, whipped spiritually and physically through some form of fear.

So subtle and deeply seated is the emotion of fear that one may go through life burdened with it, never recognizing its presence. Only a courageous analysis will disclose the presence of this universal enemy. When you begin such an analysis, search deeply into your character. Here is a list of the symptoms for which you should look:

p. 335

Commonly expressed through lack of ambition; willingness to tolerate poverty; acceptance of whatever compensation life may offer without protest; mental and physical laziness; lack of initiative, imagination, enthusiasm and self-control

The habit of permitting others to do one's thinking. Staying "on the fence."

Generally expressed through alibis and excuses designed to cover up, explain away, or apologize for one's failures, sometimes expressed in the form of envy of those who are successful, or by criticising them.

Usually expressed by finding fault with others, a tendency to spend beyond one's income, neglect of personal appearance, scowling and frowning; intemperance in the use of alcoholic drink, sometimes through the use of narcotics; nervousness, lack of poise, self-consciousness and lack of self-reliance.

The habit of looking for the negative side of every circumstance, thinking and talking of possible failure instead of concentrating upon the means of succeeding. Knowing all the roads to disaster, but never searching for the plans to avoid failure. Waiting for "the right time" to begin putting ideas and plans into action, until the waiting becomes a permanent habit. Remembering those who have failed, and forgetting those who have succeeded. Seeing the hole in the doughnut, but overlooking the doughnut.

p. 336

Pessimism, leading to indigestion, poor elimination, autointoxication, bad breath and a bad disposition.

The habit of putting off until tomorrow that which should have been done last year. Spending enough time in creating alibis and excuses to have done the job. This symptom is closely related to over-caution, doubt and worry.

  • Refusal to accept responsibility when it can be avoided.
  • Willingness to compromise rather than put up a stiff fight.
  • Compromising with difficulties instead of harnessing and using them as stepping stones to advancement.
  • Bargaining with Life for a penny, instead of demanding prosperity, opulence, riches, contentment and happiness.
  • Weakness of, and often total lack of self-confidence, definiteness of purpose, self-control, initiative, enthusiasm, ambition, thrift and sound reasoning ability.
  • Association with those who accept poverty instead of seeking the company of those who demand and receive riches.

p. 337


Some will ask, "why did you write a book about money? Why measure riches in dollars, alone?" Some will believe, and rightly so, that there are other forms of riches more desirable than money. Yes, there are riches which cannot be measured in terms of dollars, but there are millions of people who will say, "Give me all the money I need, and I will find everything else I want."

The major reason why I wrote this book on how to get money is the fact that the world has but lately passed through an experience that left millions of men and women paralyzed with the FEAR OF POVERTY.

What this sort of fear does to one was well described by Westbrook Pegler, in the New York World-Telegram, viz:

"Money is only clam shells or metal discs or scraps of paper, and there are treasures of the heart and soul which money cannot buy, but most people, being broke, are unable to keep this in mind and sustain their spirits. When a man is down and out and on the street, unable to get any job at all, something happens to his spirit which can be observed in the droop of his shoulders, the set of his hat, his walk and his gaze. He cannot escape a feeling of inferiority among people with regular employment, even though he knows they are definitely not his equals in character, intelligence or ability.

"These people--even his friends--feel, on the other hand, a sense of superiority and regard him, perhaps unconsciously, as a casualty. He may borrow for a time, but not enough to carry on in his accustomed way, and he cannot continue to borrow very long. But borrowing in itself, when a man is borrowing merely to live, is a depressing experience, and the money lacks the power of earned money to revive his spirits. Of course, none of this applies to bums or habitual ne’er-do-wells, but only to men of normal ambitions and self-respect.

Think and Grow Rich was published in 1937 at the end of the Great Depression.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jane Herron: Speaker, Trainer, Coach, teaches you about the UNHOLY TRIO

p. 326 Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Please read this post slowly, carefully, and ponder it for yourself sincerely... and feel free to repost it or send it to a friend.


Previous chapters have described how to develop FAITH, through Auto-Suggestion, Desire and the Subconscious. The next chapter presents detailed instructions for the Mastery of FEAR.

Here will be. found a full description of the six fears which are the cause of all discouragement, timidity, procrastination, indifference, indecision, and the lack of ambition, self-reliance, initiative, self-control, and enthusiasm.

Search yourself carefully as you study these six enemies, as they may exist only in your subconscious mind, where their presence will be hard to detect.

Remember, too, as you analyze the "Six Ghosts of Fear," that they are nothing but ghosts because they exist only in one's mind.

Remember, also, that ghosts--creations of uncontrolled imagination--have caused most of the damage people have done to their own minds, therefore, ghosts can be as dangerous as if they lived and walked on the earth in physical bodies.

The Ghost of the Fear of Poverty, which seized the minds of millions of people in 1929, was so real that it caused the worst business depression this country has ever known. Moreover, this particular ghost still frightens some of us out of our wits.

BEFORE you can put any portion of this philosophy into successful use, your mind must be prepared to receive it. The preparation is not difficult. It begins with study, analysis, and understanding of three enemies which you shall have to clear out.


The Sixth Sense will never function while these three negatives, or any of them remain in your mind.

The members of this unholy trio are closely related; where one is found, the other two are close at hand.

INDECISION is the seedling of FEAR!

Remember this, as you read. Indecision crystalizes into DOUBT, the two blend and become FEAR! The "blending" process often is slow. This is one reason why these three enemies are so dangerous. They germinate and grow without their presence being observed.

The remainder of this chapter describes an end which must be attained before the philosophy, as a whole, can be put into practical use.

It also analyzes a condition which has, but lately, reduced huge numbers of people to poverty, and it states a truth which must be understood by all who accumulate riches, whether measured in terms of money or a state of mind of far greater value than money.

p. 328 The purpose of this chapter is to turn the spotlight of attention upon the cause and the cure of the six basic fears.

Before we can master an enemy, we must know its name, its habits, and its place of abode.

As you read, analyze yourself carefully, and determine which, if any, of the six common fears have attached themselves to you.

Do not be deceived by the habits of these subtle enemies.

Sometimes they remain hidden in the subconscious mind, where they are difficult to locate, and still more difficult to eliminate.


There are six basic fears, with some combination of which every human suffers at one time or another. Most people are fortunate if they do not suffer from the entire six.

Named in the order of their most common appearance, they are:--

  1. The fear of POVERTY at the bottom of most of one's worries

  2. The fear of CRITICISM

  3. The fear of ILL HEALTH

  4. The fear of LOSS OF LOVE OF SOMEONE

  5. The fear of OLD AGE

  6. The fear of DEATH

All other fears are of minor importance, they can be grouped under these six headings.

The prevalence of these fears, as a curse to the world, runs in cycles.

For almost six years, while the depression was on, we floundered in the cycle of FEAR OF POVERTY.

During the world-war, we were in the cycle of FEAR OF DEATH.

Just following the war, we were in the cycle of FEAR OF ILL HEALTH, as evidenced by the epidemic of disease which spread itself all over the world.

p. 329 Fears are nothing more than states of mind.

One's state of mind is subject to control and direction.

Physicians, as everyone knows, are less subject to attack by disease than ordinary laymen, for the reason that physicians DO NOT FEAR DISEASE. Physicians, without fear or hesitation, have been known to physically contact hundreds of people, daily, who were suffering from such contagious diseases as small-pox, without becoming infected. Their immunity against the disease consisted, largely, if not solely, in their absolute lack of FEAR.

Man can create nothing which he does not first conceive in the form of an impulse of thought. Following this statement, comes another of still greater importance, namely:


Thought impulses which are picked up through the ether, by mere chance (thoughts which have been released by other minds) may determine one's financial, business, professional, or social destiny just as surely as do the thought impulses which one creates by intent and design.

p. 330 We are here laying the foundation for the presentation of a fact of great importance to the person who does not understand why some people appear to be "lucky" while others of equal or greater ability, training, experience, and brain capacity, seem destined to ride with misfortune.

This fact may be explained by the statement that every human being has the ability to completely control his own mind, and with this control, obviously, every person may open his mind to the tramp thought impulses which are being released by other brains, or close the doors tightly and admit only thought impulses of his own choice.

Nature has endowed man with absolute control over but one thing, and that is THOUGHT. This fact, coupled with the additional fact that everything which man creates, begins in the form of a thought, leads one very near to the principle by which FEAR may be mastered.

[ NOTE from Jane: You have read my suggestions when mastering FEAR to say outloud to the mental deliquents: WHO's Universe is this? ]

If it is true that ALL THOUGHT HAS A TENDENCY TO CLOTHE ITSELF IN ITS PHYSICAL EQUIVALENT (and this is true, beyond any reasonable room for doubt), it is equally true that thought impulses of FEAR and POVERTY cannot be translated into terms of COURAGE and FINANCIAL GAINS.

The people of America began to think of poverty, following the Wall Street crash of 1929. Slowly, but surely that mass thought was crystalized into its physical equivalent, which was known as a "depression." The Great Depression had to happen, it was in conformity with the laws of Nature.

[ note from jane,..and there were also Millionaires made during this time for those who used their COURAGE and CREATIVITY to overcome the unholy trio of: INDECISION, DOUBT, and FEAR!

Interestingly, I received this ABRAHAM quote this morning and it completes my post perfectly, they say:

Your government is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. A war is the by-product of the vibration of the masses.

In other words, this is not a war that your government has waged against your will. This is a war that has grown vibrationally from the vibration of the masses.

This was in response to a question at an Abraham Workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 8th, 2004 .... and we have seen the outcome of that THOUGHT process.

As we meet the FEAR of POVERTY once again, individually, you are the one who will either be the Master or the Victim to the unholy trio.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A NLP workshop in SLC-- Here is what you will experience at Jane' Herron's NLP workshop

A NLP workshop in SLC!!! Here is what you will experience at Jane's NLP workshop:

Introduction to Neuro-Linguistics Programming
Law of Resistance vs the Law of Resonance
Patterns of Persuasion: Prospect vs Suspect
The Power of Rapport
Bridging and Influencing Skills
Pacing and Leading
Learn the best “psycho-geography” for yourself and for those you are trying to persuade

See you soon!

Come Join Jane Herron as she shares The Art and Science of NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the science that studies the language of the mind, the use of body language, and the strategies humans use to connect.

The magic ingredient of all negotiations and connections is RAPPORT.

NLP defines rapport as an ‘Instant connection’ with another person, usually taking place at the subconscious level.

How often have you heard: “I feel as if I’ve known you for years”?

This . . . is “instant rapport”.

Rapport building is based on understanding how to read others using all five senses, however most of us are not aware that it is in the ‘sixth sense’ where humans decide instantly if they will or won’t BUY from YOU?

OK, we were born with the standard equipment to be good listeners and observers, and so, we assume we will be successful when trying to sell our ideas, and our product to others.

We only have to look at the number of broken contracts and destroyed relationships to remind us that ‘having the standard equipment’ is not enough for long term personal and professional success.

Those who believe that we communicate primarily through ‘words only’ are missing so many selling opportunities! Studies demonstrate that your words have less influence on others than your body language and your vocal tonality

If you want to connect with others, it behooves us to be consciously aware of how we use our psycho-geography, our physiology, tonality as well as how we script our words.

TOP PRODUCERS and POWERFUL COMMUNICATORS know that Customer Service is a game of AGREEMENTS.

Winning friends and influencing others comes down to understanding the magic ingredient of persuasion: Rapport!

Rapport (that Instant Connection) creates TRUST, and TRUST is foundational to creating long term satisfied customers.

Join US for a fast-paced, educational workshop titled The Magic Ingredient: RAPPORT

A NLP workshop in SLC!!! Here is what you will experience at Jane's NLP workshop:

  • Introduction to Neuro-Linguistics Programming
  • Law of Resistance vs the Law of Resonance
  • Patterns of Persuasion: Prospect vs Suspect
  • The Power of Rapport
  • Bridging and Influencing Skills
  • Pacing and Leading
  • Learn the best “psycho-geography” for yourself and for those you are trying to persuade

Rapport Building by Jane Herron

Rapport building is based on understanding how to read others using all five senses, however most of us are not aware that it is in the ‘sixth sense’ where humans decide instantly if they will or won’t BUY from YOU?

OK, we were born with the standard equipment to be good listeners and observers, and so, we assume we will be successful when trying to sell our ideas, and our product to others. But, we only have to look at the number of broken contracts and destroyed relationships to remind us that ‘having the standard equipment’ is not enough for long term personal and professional success.

Those who believe that we communicate primarily through ‘words only’ are missing so many selling opportunities! Studies demonstrate that your words have less influence on others than your body language and your vocal tonality If you want to connect with others, it behooves us to be consciously aware of how we use our psycho-geography, our physiology, tonality as well as how we script our words.

TOP PRODUCERS and POWERFUL COMMUNICATORS know that Customer Service is a Game of Agreements. Winning friends and influencing others comes down to understanding the magic ingredient of persuasion: Rapport!

Rapport (that Instant Connection) creates TRUST, and TRUST is foundational to creating long term satisfied customers. Join US for a fast-paced, educational workshop.

Jane Herron will present a workshop on NLP in downtown SLC

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a science that studies the language of the mind, the use of body language, and the strategies humans use to connect .

The magic ingredient of all negotiations and connections is RAPPORT.

NLP defines rapport as that ‘Instant connection’ with another person, usually taking place at the subconscious level.

How often have you heard: “I feel as if I’ve known you for years”?
THAT. . . is “instant rapport”.

Location: Salt Lake City Hilton

If you have specific needs (problems) you would like addressed at this workshop, Please send your special questions to by January 31st

Tips on Blogging by Jane Herron

Technical Writing 101

1) Spell Korecklee: Use the Spell Check function. If we claim to be professionals, we need to convey ourselves as such.

2) A Blog is NOT a BILLBOARD:

A blog post is not an ad. While some aspects of your post will naturally be self-promotional in nature, that doesn't mean that your entire article should read like one massive billboard touting how awesome you are, and plastered with every conceivable means of contacting you, along with a link to every website and web-page you own. Less is more.

3) People Like Pictures:

It's a proven fact - good relevant graphics/pictures improve/enhance blog readership. Take your digital camera with you wherever you go. Take your own good local photos and you'll never have to be concerned about copyright infringement.

4) Aim for the Bullseye: Be as specific or niche-oriented with your subject matter and geo-targeting as possible. By that, I mean, post your article to the most narrow and specific interest and location, as applicable.

5) Use Your Own Voice: Avoid the 'Copy & Paste.' There are no 'quick' & 'easy' shortcuts to effective blogging.

Creative Writing 101
Now for the more 'creative' aspects of effective Content Blogging:

1) BE YOURSELF: It's not rocket science.

Sometimes we have a tendency to over-think these things. Most importantly, be yourself. That is one of the foundational aspects of conversational blogging - to convey your own unique personality, perspective, and passions. Your readers want to know who and what you are; what makes you tick; how you conduct your business. Allow 'YOU' to always come through in your writing.

2) BE 'CONSUMER-CENTRIC:' Don't talk all about yourself.

Share information/resources that consumers will find helpful, interesting, and valuable. Put yourself in the consumer's shoes. What would attract them to your post? What would they find most engaging?

3) BE 'LOCAL MINDED:' Remember to stay focused on relevant local information, news, events, points/places of interest, etc.

Think Little League, church happenings, interview local leaders, fund raising events, profiles of everyday people, neighborhood merchants & business owners, garage sales, local politics, school activities/sports, local neighborhood flavor & ambiance.

4) BE A GOOD NEIGHBOR: Find meaningful ways of giving back to the community, i.e. volunteer work, charity functions, fund-raising, etc., and then blog about it

5) BE BALANCED: To some degree, try to strike a balance in your writing. Publishing a wider variety of topics will help to keep your blogging muse from getting writer's block, and your readers will appreciate the occasional departure from real estate articles.

In a Nutshell, good, quality content will:

  • capture and engage the consumer's interests
  • be aesthetic (well constructed & formatted)
  • read well (convey thoughts intelligently)
  • reveal the writer's personality, perspectives, and passions
  • provide practical advice/value to the reader
  • By incorporating these aspects into your hyper-local blogging efforts, you'll generate good local content, attract greater readership to your blog, and hopefully convert some of those readers into clients!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jane Herron will be training the Essential Skills of Dynamic Public Speaking in Salt Lake City, UT for National Seminars

I will be training the Essential Skills of Dynamic Public Speaking in Salt Lake City, UT for National Seminars

For More Information, please go to:

From the podium to the boardroom, this one-day workshop is for business professionals who want to learn how to stand up and convey ideas with passion … inform with pizzazz … and motivate people to take action.

Time: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

If you are a salesperson or small business owner, remember that YOU are the brand.

Consumers are loyal to brands that deliver what they need, such as dependability, service, entertainment, safety, exceptional value or high quality.

When a brand consistently meets a need, it becomes a brand promise, and very likely a company’s identity. For example, the FedEx brand promise is “guaranteed overnight.”
When a brand consistently delivers on a promise, it creates a powerful bond of trust and loyalty with consumers. If you are a salesperson or small business owner, remember that YOU are the brand!

As a service professional, you are the brand, which you enhance and solidify each time you meet and exceed your clients’ expectations. If you have locked in your clients’ trust (and their willingness to refer you) through brand loyalty, you have a massive advantage over your competition.

How do you achieve brand loyalty?

You must consistently deliver your brand promise, and do it better than your competitors. Sporadic high performance will not cut it — EVERY customer must have the same great experience.

Knowing your customers’ anxiety points is critical to achieving a strong brand promise.
After all, consumers want brands that meet their needs, but not if the experience is painful. Ask new customers what worries them most about the transaction, and then let them know what you will do to address their concerns. That way, you build brand trust and loyalty from the very beginning.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Essential Skills of Dynamic Public Speaking with Jane Herron, Motivational Speaker, Inspirational Trainer

From the podium to the boardroom, this one-day workshop is for business professionals who want to learn how to stand up and convey ideas with passion … inform with pizzazz … and motivate people to take action.

09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

To register and attend, please go to:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jane Herron, Member of National Speakers Association for over 22 years

Have you ever thought you would like to make your living as a professional speaker?

The first thing that I learned from Dottie Walters in 1985 was that
"You must treat your career like a business".

Build your business using the important Tool of Success:

  • visioning

  • creating a business plan

  • understanding the difference between SALES and MARKETING

  • learning the power of the internet

  • working hard to not only promote yourself through networking opportunities, but also working hard to deliver on your promises.

BRANDING: When you hear the word branding what do you think?

Does Coca-Cola or Pepsi come to mind?

Do their logos and colors just popped into your head?

And if I were to ask you what is the third most popular soft drink in the industry, what would you say?

The answer is: WHO cares??

IF you are not # 1 or # 2 in your industry, then there is a chance that you are not getting the attention and action that you need to be sucessful.

BRANDING is your way to build loyal customers.

Think about American Idol?

What characters come to mind?

Simon? Randy? Paula?

And think of the idols who have made it BIG after the show. THEY all understood the power of branding.

Think of J.K. Rowling, Tony Robbins, Stephen King or even Stephen R. Covey.

Even if you have never read their books or heard them speak, you know their names and their genres.

Writers and Speakers benefit from brand recognition just like product branding!

Branding is the process of creating a perception that you are the best person for the job.

Branding is about building your image and how you communicate that image.

  • It is everything the public sees about you!

  • It is your books and articles

  • It is the interviews you give

  • It is your BLOG posts

  • It is even the way that you sign your daily correspondence

Your BRANDING strengthens your position as an expert and creates recognition for you in the industry

  • An easy way to begin your branding is to take advantage of email signatures.

  • Email signatures are those few lines of text at the bottom of every email you send.

  • They’re easy to create and can automatically be included in your emails.

  • Think of them as a virtual business card.

  • Most email programs have a signature creation option.

  • By following the simple directions provided you may create several different signatures, and then your signature will default and be posted on every email.

  • I have multiple signatures and customize my signature depending on who I am emailing to. I have different signatures for personal, press, client, and interview emails. And because I also sell real estate on the side, I even have one for that business.

A few email signature rules:

  • KISS--Keep it to six lines or less--Keep it simple, all you want to do is:

  • Provide your contact information, especially your email and web addresses (blog)

  • Don’t use cute messages, they don’t brand you as a professional, but it is OK to say something like: I appreciate referral business.

  • Do include your current marketing messages to promote your current book or project

  • If you have a small part of your LOGO, then used that....I like to use my HERON because it is a picture that represents my last name.

Jane Herron has been a member of the prestigious National Speakers Association for over 22 year. You may contact Jane at , or go to